Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Just my luck!

I went fishing on memorial day and I only caught one fish, and it was a baby bass and I caught it off of a crank bait. It was a horrible time because at first somebody stole my worms so I could not go cat fishing. But then I thought well I can bass fish and I did for about seven hours with a 8 inch fake worm and it was a texas rig and I still could not find them! But wait here is the best part when I went to cast it out my rod snapped in half. So if you know what I am doing wrong send me a email or a comment. PLEASE!!

1 comment:

crystal.lail said...

Hi Josh! To get a video onto your blog try uploading your video into windows movie maker and saving it there onto a USB stick. Then you should be able to get it from there to your blog.
Kayden would love to see the video!
Crystal (Kayden's mom)